
The 80 billion euro opportunity

To date, the use of AI has mainly focused on supporting the provision of medical services, such as image recognition in radiology, support in finding a diagnosis or the personalization of therapies. An often neglected but no less important area

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AI in radiological diagnostics. Interview with Priv.- Doz. Dr. Lisa Adams

Als Fachärztin für Radiologie und Wissenschaftlerin (Oberärztin am Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München) verfügt Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lisa Adams über Expertise in der Anwendung von künstlicher Intelligenz in der Radiologie. Sie bringt Erfahrung in der präklinischen und klinischen Forschung mit

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How basebox AI handles the new EU AI Act

On August 1, 2024, the EU’s globally unique AI regulation will come into force, and it will affect almost every industry. This means big changes for companies – especially those operating in regulated industries. In this article, we show you

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Inside basebox AI – No. 62

🔄 The AI landscape continues to evolve rapidly, and we have adjusted our focus accordingly. Over the past two months, technological advancements, market developments, insights from our closed beta testing phase, and feedback from investors have influenced our vision, mission,

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The importance and context of the use of AI in organizations

Our own product writes here. In our regular Use Cases articles, we show you what our AI can already do and which new functions we are continuously developing. We start with the topic “Importance of AI in companies”. Our basebox

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basebox AI Management System – the most important questions and answers

Why do I need an AI management system in my company? An AI management system enables companies to securely make AI available to their employees while complying with data protection regulations.   Key Features: Central user administration Simple connection to

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Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Nuremberg Hospital. An Overview.

Nuremberg Hospital is one of the largest municipal hospitals in Europe and a maximum care hospital. With its 8,400 employees, it treats around 335,000 inpatients and outpatients every year across its four sites in Nuremberg, Lauf, and Altdorf. The Group

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basebox AI develops the first AI management system for companies

basebox AI Management System: Corporate AI Deployment with Security and Privacy   AI Deployment That Protects Data and Company Knowledge AI App Store to install and uninstall AI apps with one click Full control over cost and usage of AI

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Artificial intelligence in the insurance industry: Die Bayerische

The insurance group Die Bayerische was founded in 1858, and the Group’s total premium income amounts to over 440 million euros. The Group is continuously increasing its equity and is therefore well above the industry average. Investments of over 4.5

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Change and action can only come from understanding – The Climate Foundation using AI

The Climate Foundation for Citizens was founded in September 2014 by the Dietmar Hopp Stiftung GmbH with the aim of operating the KLIMA ARENA in Sinsheim. The KLIMA ARENA encourages active participation and provides valuable information on how to live

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Agency people are usually more pirates than navy officers

For Sale is an owner-managed communications and digital agency with offices in Munich and Hamburg. With over 50 employees, they design in all disciplines of communication, both online and offline: strategy, creation, production, programming, online marketing, and media. For Sale

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Ideally, AI accelerates ego-to-eco transformation

The Reutlingen-based company Mez-Technik offers software solutions, products, and services for the effective planning, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of air ducting systems. With numerous innovations and Swabian inventiveness, the solid company has been shaping the industry for over 140 years.

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The AI Blog for SMEs

In our blog, we interview CIOs, CEOs, and IT managers to find out how they are using artificial intelligence (AI) in their organizations now and in the future. Leaders are facing challenges such as model development, hosting, risk management, compliance,

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