Your co-pilot for finance and law

  • Creating, reading and analyzing texts
  • Structure, transform
  • Extract files

Ask your Excel file

Load your Excel file into basebox and extract the most important key figures clearly.

  • Summarize and structure data
  • Analysis with extractive AI
basebox AI_ Sicherheit

Formulate legal texts

The basebox Co-Pilot supports you in searching for and processing information.
It answers questions and provides the right information.
It helps you to make decisions and solve problems and serves as an assistant for all text tasks.

It helps you to formulate legal texts clearly and minimize possible risks and misunderstandings.
The Co-Pilot is constantly learning and adapts to your needs.

  • Drafting letters with legal justification
  • Drafting enforceable texts

Analyzing texts

Analyze and summarize legal texts found in letters from the opposing party, in judgments or in legal literature, or develop counter-positions to them. basebox helps to simplify, summarize or supplement facts.

Convert, supplement, etc. text documents that are available to you as templates with the help of basebox.

Create or improve contract clauses.

  • Find information quickly
  • Analyzing cases and judgments
  • Summaries

More AI for you.

The basebox store offers over 50 different preconfigured AI prompts that make bureaucratic work easier.

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