Inside basebox AI – No. 62

🔄 The AI landscape continues to evolve rapidly, and we have adjusted our focus accordingly. Over the past two months, technological advancements, market developments, insights from our closed beta testing phase, and feedback from investors have influenced our vision, mission, and strategy.

🎯 Our initial assumption that companies needed a privacy-compliant alternative to ChatGPT and similar tools for efficient daily text work has proven insufficient. Right is: Companies use the basebox assistant functions for many use cases. But we have to add four things, so that basebox becomes really useful:

  • 🧱 Simplicity: Building, configuring, and securely operating an AI infrastructure is a costly IT project. AI-as-a-Service providers like Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT Enterprise are currently in demand. For companies that need to run on-premise AI for security reasons, simplicity, cost, and convenience are critical purchasing criteria.
  • 🔒 Security: Customers want to process their existing confidential data with AI. However, in regulated industries, sensitive data cannot be sent to external AI systems. Organizations need on-premise AI, but setting up, configuring, and operating the entire AI stack is a major, costly IT project.
  • 🎯 Accuracy: AI output must be correct. Hallucinations are unacceptable, especially in regulated industries. Incorporating proprietary data, even in large volumes, is a prerequisite to reduce hallucinations. One of the technologies used for this is RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation).
  • 🧱 Flexibility: Individual tasks require custom AI apps. AI models, especially LLMs, are a general-purpose technology comparable to spreadsheets. Each customer interaction currently generates new app ideas and requirements. Customers want to easily create and edit these apps themselves—simple apps by employees, more complex ones by IT staff.

🚀 We have successfully completed the closed beta phase of our “Healthcare AI Integration Platform” and are now working on improving the product based on feedback from our testers. We have overcome several challenges in frontend and backend development and made significant improvements.

We are pleased with the progress we have made. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to the next phase of our journey.

Best regards, René 👋

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