Work more efficiently with secure AI

Do everything with texts

Your very own personal assistant.

Understanding and creating complex texts.


Turns long texts into concise summaries.


Analyze complicated texts and convert them into a simpler, more comprehensible form.


Translate texts into English, German, Français, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, Русский, 中文, 日本語, 한국어.


Create new content, rewrite existing texts.


Identify and correct spelling or grammatical errors.

Academic Writing

Academic Research Texts

Outline and revise academic texts.


Create structured outlines for research papers, essays and projects.

Summarize research findings

Concise summaries of your research results.


Interpret the significance of the research findings in the broader context of the study objectives.

Talk to your documents

Ask your PDF

Insights and data from your PDF documents.

Ask your Excel file

Extract data from Excel documents.

Ask your Word-Doc

Extract insights and data from your Word documents.

Human resources work made easy

Job Postings

Create attractive job descriptions to attract top talent.

Interview Guide for Job Interviews

Generate interview formats for different job roles.

Onboarding Plan

Train new employees positively and efficiently.

Create a Work Certificate

Write references with the typical formulations.

Employee Review

Conduct effective job interviews.

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